
  • 科幻 
      "Dr. Cyclops" is known as one of the better "early sci-fi" films, made in '39 and released in 1940. (It is also in color.) But while the story has potential and there are some good moments, this is a very confused film.  The plot is simple - crazy mad scientist on some remote island can shrink animals, and wants to try it on humans. He manages this on a scientific team that came to check things out. They get angry, and the crazy scientist eventually gets really angry because his new shrunken subjects won't cooperate.  The thing is, the film doesn't seem to know if it wants to be a thriller, or a goofy movie. Dr. Cyclops (never called that but referenced to a Cyclops after one lens in his glasses breaks) looks cool in his "30's style sci-fi helmet" as he performs experiments and can be chilling at times. But there is so much "Disney-style goofy music" going on that it is hard to take anything seriously. The music belongs in a family comedy for the most part, and is played when the shrunken people do things like try to survive, and creep around the floor. Add that a few of them have pretty gruesome deaths and that just adds to the confusing atmosphere.  The FX aren't so bad but nothing special. The giant sets built are pretty impressive though. There is a scene where little fires are tossed at a real crocodile's head which probably made animal activists angry.  It also takes a long time for anything to really happen. This movie could have been done in a nice tight half-hour. Good for a viewing, but you probably won't watch again. The performance of the guy who plays Dr. Cyclops is definitely the main attraction.
  • 剧情 
    In 1828, the bankrupt Pyncheon family fight over Seven Gables, the ancestral mansion. To obtain the house, Jaffrey Pyncheon obtains his brother Clifford's false conviction for murder. Hepzibah, Clifford's sweet fiancée, patiently waits twenty years for his release, whereupon Clifford and his former cellmate, abolitionist Matthew, have a certain scheme in mind.
  •   二战时期,乔尼·琼斯是一位被派往欧洲的美国战地记者。在荷兰,他被卷进了一个错综复杂的刺杀阴谋,这一阴谋也和被绑架的荷兰外交官以及间谋们及切想得到手的一份情报有关……
  • 剧情 
  • 喜剧 
      Just before Christmas, Lee Leander is caught shoplifting. It is her third offense. She is prosecuted by John Sargent. He postpones the trial because it is hard to get a conviction at Christmas time. But he feels sorry for her and arranges for her bail, and ends up taking her home to his mother for Christmas. Surrounded by a loving family (in stark contrast to Lee's own family background) they fall in love. This creates a new problem: how do they handle the upcoming trial?
  • 剧情 
      Danny is a content truck driver, but his girl Peggy shows potential as a dancer and hopes he too can show ambition. Danny acquiesces and pursues boxing to please her, but the two begin to spend more time working than time together.
  • 影片讲述第一次世界大战,托曼尼亚王国独裁者辛格尔(查理·卓别林饰)上台。他的大肆扩张导致战乱不断民不聊生。并且他大搞阴谋政策,煽动民众对犹太人的敌对与仇恨,让犹太人民陷入水深火热的灾难之中。被征入伍的犹太人理发师查理(查理·卓别林饰)更是在这样的高压政策下难逃一劫。当查理逃出边境时,被驻守在这里的军队误认为是独裁者辛格尔,他趁机做了一场“为自由而战斗”的大演说。
  • 学费

      水原小学四年级学生禹荣达的父母出门经商半年没有来信,荣达靠祖母每天捡破烂挣来的钱勉强生活着。祖母生病,无法支付3个月学费的荣达没有去学校。他朋友的姐姐贵兰把米送到了荣达家,班主任田代老师也来家访,把学费交给了祖母。但是房东把那笔钱拿去顶了房租,所以荣达又不能去学校了。祖母问荣达, 能不能去平泽的姨妈家取学费。  早上荣达很早就乘牛车出发,在居酒屋取水,走了6里(约20公里)的路,平安到达了平泽的姨妈家。第二天,荣达拿到了学费和大米坐公共汽车回来,跟祖母打了招呼后,就跑到学校交学费。田代老师让荣达看了同学们为他攒钱的友情箱,说今后不要担心学费,要好好学习。荣达从学校回来的时候,收到了父亲的来信,信上说母亲生病了所以没能联系荣达,同时还寄来了一个装有钱、衣服和鞋子的包裹。农乐队过盂兰盆节期间,荣达的父母回到了故乡。
  • 剧情 
  •   刚从监狱释放出来的Tom Joad (亨利·方达 Henry Fonda饰)回到俄克拉荷马的家的时候却发现原来的家里已经空无一人,打听之下才从农民Jim Casy(约翰·卡拉丁 John Carradine饰)口中得知,随着工业的发展,当地的农民们都被迫离开该地。Tom和Jim在Tom的叔父家里找到了Tom的家人,一家人决定到加利福尼亚去寻找新的工作。一家人把所有的行李都放在一辆卡车上便出发了。路上,Tom的祖母去世了。他们发现了一个地方,专门召集像他们这样的人在那里工作,他们在那里安顿了下来。然而Jim却意外死亡,Tom为了给他报仇也杀了人,只能匆匆逃亡。一家人只能离开,去寻找下一个安身的地方,无家可归的农民们到底路在何方.....  本片改编自斯坦贝克的同名小说,获1941年奥斯卡最佳导演奖。
  • 喜剧 
  • 剧情 
      In this notorious Nazi propaganda historical costume melodrama, a conniving, ambitious Jewish businessman, Suess Oppenheimer, snares a post as treasurer to the Duke of Wurttemburg by showering the corrupt duke with treasure and promises of even greater riches. As the Jew's schemes grow more elaborate and his actions more brazen, the dukedom nearly erupts into civil war. Persuaded by the Jew, the Duke all but scuttles the constitution and alienates the assembly by lifting the local ban on Jews in Stuttgart. In a final outrage, the Jew rapes a wholesome German girl and tortures her father and fiancee. When the Duke succumbs to a sudden heart attack, the assembly of Elders try the Jew and sentence him to death for having "carnal knowledge of a Christian woman."    Summary written by Kevin Rayburn
  • 喜剧 
  • 剧情 
      影片讲述考尔白饰演善解人意的贝茜(Betsy),在德州北部邻近法尼尔家乡,一个发现石油的城市宾拔力迪 (Burkburnett) 里结识奇勒基宝和另一男角史宾沙,从而发展两男同时爱幕及追求她的爱情故事。当中石油大亨奇勒基宝每发现新油井时,都会将那钻油台命名‘美丽的贝茜’(Beautiful Betsy)再加上次数号码,来比喻对她的无尽欣赏和疼爱。
  • 喜剧 
      匈牙利布达佩斯,街角一间普通的小杂货铺。老板雨果·马图舍克(弗兰克·摩根 Frank Morgan饰)一直经营着这家小店,他的店员阿尔弗雷德·克莱里克(詹姆斯·斯图尔特 James Stewart饰)是店里经验最丰富的优秀店员。来到小店应聘的克拉尔·诺瓦克(玛格里特·苏利文 Margaret Sullavan饰)很快就被老板雇佣,却与阿尔弗雷德互相仇视,不能容忍对方。孤独又痴情的阿尔弗雷德有一个从未谋面的笔友。当他背着老板前去酒吧与笔友见面时,居然发现互相倾慕已久的亲密笔友居然就是自己讨厌的克拉尔。天意弄人,被老板解雇的阿尔弗雷德因为失业而不敢上前与她相认。  由著名电影喜剧大师恩斯特·刘别谦执导的经典喜剧电影《街角的商店》,被列入美国电影学会评选的百年百大爱情类电影。本片具有四十年代喜剧的乐观积极气氛,被改编拍摄成1998年的新版本《电子情书》。
  • 喜剧 
  • 第一次世界大战期间,回国度假的陆军中尉罗伊(罗伯特·泰勒)在滑铁卢桥上邂逅了舞蹈演员玛拉(费雯·丽),两人彼此倾心,爱情迅速升温。就在两人决定结婚之时,罗伊应招回营地,两人被迫分离。由于错过剧团演出,...
  • 喜剧 
      消失数月的王牌女记者希尔迪·约翰逊(罗莎琳德·拉塞尔 Rosalind Russell 饰)来到上司沃尔特·伯恩斯(加里·格兰特 Cary Grant 饰)办公室桌前,打算辞职去结婚。沃尔特当然不希望这样的事情发生,而更重要的是两人曾经是生活在一起的夫妻。在沃尔特眼中, 希尔迪是最得力的记者搭档,而希尔迪却更多期待着平静的婚姻生活。虽然两人已经离婚,但沃尔特仍然深爱着希尔迪。  一桩引发纽约城全程轰动的死囚越狱事件,让两人又开始了密切接触。最先抢到头条消息的希尔迪,在沃尔特的劝说下,决定与他合作完成最后一个报道。而不曾想的是,在种种意外情况的发生后,希尔迪渐渐发现自己已经无法离开沃尔特。